I will be cancelling my account with them tomorrow 12/27/22.

They will try and charge you $30 late fee when it’s THEIR apps fault, not the customer. Well needless to say for 2 months in a row they tried saying that my cashapp card declined the payment because of “insufficient funds” which I know was a total crock! This place is nothing but a scam and id stay as far away from them as possible. I set up my payments days in advance and made 100% sure that there was funds in the bank in order to make my payment. “This will only cost you $452.32 for the unwanted subscription and once this payment is been made kindly rest assured that you won't see such again” Anyone who has dealings with such an unscrupulous company or inadvertently allows them access to their email address will certainly regret it. Subsequent to my review on TrustPilot, ContinentalFinance offered to unsubscribe me for a fee. My mention of reviewing them on Truspilot was not a deterrent, in fact may have been an incentive for them to taunt me further as if to welcome a negative review.
When I messaged Continental on FB, asking how to unsubscribe, their answer was that I “must be stupid for asking us such questions”. When I sent them a request to be unsubscribed, using the return address within the source code of their spam, they responded by doubling the number of daily spam. Their email appears to blatantly flaunt the email marketing laws including that they fail to divulge the source of their claim that I opted in to receive their marketing. Obviously it would be foolhardy to click on such a link. They obtain email addresses of people such as myself with no possible use for their type of easy credit Mastercard, and engage in spam marketing with no apparent way to unsubscribe…all links on their email, including the one to unsubscribe, lead to the same destination address. Continental Finance Company is the financial organization behind issuance of Surge Mastercard.